In an interview published Sunday, Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp alleged Kevin Spacey made sexual advances against him when the Broadway star was 14 years old. Since then, filmmaker Tony Montana has accused the actor of groping him, while actor Robert Cavazos asserted that Spacey allegedly sexually harassed numerous young men as artistic director at London’s Old Vic theater. In an article published Friday evening by BuzzFeed News, three more men have accused Spacey of harassment and assault, alleging he screened gay pornography for two teenagers, sexually assaulted a journalist during an interview, and had an assistant proposition a military adviser working on the set of 1995’s medical thriller Outbreak.
In 1988, Justin Dawes was 16 and a volunteer usher at Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven, Connecticut, when he met a 29-year-old Kevin Spacey. The actor allegedly invited the high-schooler and his friend to his home under the pretense of watching Chinatown. Once they arrived at Spacey’s empty, “bare” apartment, however, he gave them drinks and put on gay pornography. Dawes describes the evening as “cringey” but “benign,” and recalls feeling guilty that he potentially gave Spacey “the wrong impression a little bit.” Says Dawes, “I think I had this weird kinda like, ‘Oh gee. Oh man, I feel bad.’” The boys excused themselves after realizing no one else was coming to Spacey’s movie watch, and left.
Another man, who chose to remain anonymous, recalls an incident with Spacey in the early 2000s. While interviewing the House of Cards star, the unnamed writer joined Spacey and some of his friends at a club at the actor’s behest. Once there, Spacey allegedly, and persistently, began groping the journalist. “He just kept reaching between my legs and, you know, just grabbing my dick,” the journalist claims. “I was trying not to make a big scene, because I had an assignment to write about him.” When the interviewer attempted to leave, Spacey allegedly angrily confronted him about spurning his advances. “This man was screaming in my face outside of the main bar area, red-faced, spit flying out of his mouth, screaming at me with fury because I didn’t want to fuck him,” the writer said. “He was actually saying that I did want to and I was a coward. That was his tactic. It was unbelievable.” Spacey’s friends did not seem to react to the actor’s behavior. Says the writer, “They were deliberately not paying attention.”
When it came to publishing the interview, however, the journalist later realized that by revealing his experience with Spacey, he would be inadvertently outing the actor. “If I were to publish a story about Kevin Spacey sexually harassing me on the job … there’s no way without making it quite clear that he likes guys,” the writer explained. In the end, the interview ran without the interviewer’s byline. “It has occurred to me since then that there’s this weird way that Spacey had discovered that the closet would shield other things,” he said. “Being closeted has for him enabled him to use this privacy claim as a shield against anybody looking closely at his actual behavior.”
The third man to discuss his experience with Spacey in the BuzzFeed article, Mark Ebenhoch, was a military adviser working on the set of 1995’s Outbreak when one of Kevin Spacey’s assistants allegedly approached him with a sexual proposition on Spacey’s behalf. “They asked flat out to engage in a sexual act. It was enough to stun me. It blew me away,” Ebenhoch says. Ebenhoch, who is gay but was not out at the time, declined. “As a military adviser the last thing you’d want anyone to know is that you were gay,” he explains. “You didn’t want anybody knowing or even smelling the fact that you might be gay or that there was any kind of interaction with him on any kind of level,” Ebenhoch said of his own fear of being outed following the incident.
On Thursday, Spacey’s spokesperson said the actor is “taking the time necessary to seek evaluation and treatment.” His Netflix show, House of Cards, has suspended production of its sixth season until further notice.