Murphy Brown is returning to television. According to Deadline, CBS has given a 13-episode series order to a revival of the show, which originally ran on the network from 1988-1998. Candice Bergen and Diane English – the show’s original star and creator, respectively – are both attached to the multi-cam revival, with Bergen set to reprise her role as the titular character and talks currently underway for other original cast members to return. In the new revival, Brown “returns to a world of cable news, social media, fake news and a very different political and cultural climate.” According to Deadline’s report, there have been talks to revive the show since Donald Trump’s inauguration, “with rumors about English mulling an updated version to take on the new political climate and holding informal meetings with Bergen and some of the show’s former writers to brainstorm ideas.” The Murphy Brown revival joins a round of other big sitcom revivals that have recently debuted or about to premiere, including NBC’s Will & Grace and ABC’s Roseanne, which is slated to debut in March.