Sex and the City gal pals Cynthia Nixon and Sarah Jessica Parker might’ve been close since their tween years — way before they fought over that big move to Paris, ugh — but that still didn’t prevent Parker from being caught a bit off-guard by the initial news of Nixon’s campaign for governor of the state of New York. “I didn’t know she would seek a gubernatorial seat,” Parker, a noted New Yorker, admitted during her Tribeca Film Festival talk on Friday evening. “I liked her. I always admired her. I guess what I’m saying is, I didn’t know she would run for governor, but she’s been an activist her entire life. She is incredibly bright. She loves this city. She’s been involved in conversations about policy for many years.” Parker added that Nixon revealed her plans during some one-on-one time about a month before the official announcement was made, making Parker keep it a secret: “I was incredibly excited and proud of her. I think a competitor is always good.” But I couldn’t help but wonder, is a challenger actually good?