Jessica Chastain Stars in Woman Walks Ahead Trailer

Jessica Chastain Fights Sexism With a Paintbrush in Woman Walks Ahead Trailer


Jessica Chastain loves playing women with a job to do who will face extreme adversity along the way. In Woman Walks Ahead, that woman is Caroline Weldon, an artist in 19th-century New York City on a mission to find Sitting Bull, a Hunkpapa Lakota tribe leader in the Dakotas, so she can paint his portrait. What Weldon also finds, however, is a lot of misogynist white men set on wiping out Native Americans. The timeline of the movie takes place in the lead-up to the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890, making the story quite sad even in moments of triumph. The real Caroline Weldon was already an activist with the National Indian Defense Association by the time she met Sitting Bull, and came to the Midwest to help fight against the Dawes Act, which broke apart tribal lands to distribute land among individuals. But if you want to see the One Woman’s Awakening version of that story, Woman Walks Ahead opens on June 29.

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Woman Walks Ahead Trailer: Jess Chastain Paints Sitting Bull