Roseanne continues to Make ABC Great Again: More people have now seen the sitcom’s extended-length return than watched the 2018 Oscars. Per Nielsen, Tuesday’s season-ten premiere — which drew 18.5 million same-day viewers— added 6.6 million viewers via three days of DVR replays and streaming, the biggest total viewer growth ever in the so-called L+3 ratings. (The previous record-holder was the 2014 series premiere of How to Get Away With Murder, which gained 5.9 million viewers). What’s more, ABC opted to repeat the hour-long premiere Sunday night at 7, and that encore telecast drew another 4.3 million viewers. That brings the grand total to-date for the Roseanne revival to a stunning 29.4 million viewers— 2 million more than the 27.4 million this year’s Oscars averaged (including a week’s worth of DVR replays). There’s so much winning going on over at ABC right now execs there might soon get tired of winning.