Star Wars godfather George Lucas didn’t want to be too involved with the making of Solo: A Star Wars Story, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t add a light touch. In a new interview with Variety, Ron Howard shared an anecdote about Lucas nudging him in the right direction with how to handle Han’s character in the cape-in-the-closet scene he shares with Qi’ra (Emilia Clarke). Originally, Howard had Han (Alden Ehrenreich) hanging Qi’ra’s cloak up after removing it, but the man who created the galaxy’s most lovable rogue knew better. “He said, ‘You know, Han wouldn’t bother to hang it up,’” Howard told Variety. “And then he sort of did it. George became Han Solo for a second. The body language was there and the attitude. Not only was it a nice accent on the scene, but it was also a reminder that George created this character and really understood him. He was so reluctant [to offer his opinion], and yet the choice was so right that it was fun to use it.” Maybe George also has some notes about what Han and Lando could do in that closet together.