By now, you may have heard that Drake may very well have a secret son that he hasn’t acknowledged and, apparently, has not been paying to support. This news was brought to us by rap’s investigative journalist, Pusha-T, dropped in his venomous new diss track, “The Story of Adidon.” But Push isn’t done spilling tea yet. He phoned into “The Breakfast Club” on Wednesday to reveal that he effectively spoiled Drake’s plan to let the cat out of the bag about his alleged secret son. According to Push, Drake will soon unveil a new line with Adidas (where both Kanye and Push currently have deals) called “Adidon,” named after his alleged son, Adonis. It’s the inspiration for Push’s freestyle title, he says, as well as the line “Adonis is your son / And he deserves more than an Adidas press run.”
“Who rolls out their child with a sweatsuit? Get outta here,” he tells “The Breakfast Club.” “We couldn’t know about your child until you started selling sweatsuits and sneakers? … I don’t even hang with my friends who got child-support issues.” As for the cover art featuring Drake in blackface, Push says he found the photo on the photographer’s website and needs Drake to “answer” for the shoot. “I really need to understand what makes you take a photo like that. I’m not ready to excuse that,” he says. “This isn’t so long ago. Have you just started recognizing your blackness?” How Push came to acquire all this intel? He merely says, “You gotta live a calculated life.”