In case you haven’t noticed, Robert De Niro has used every public appearance and press tour opportunity to call President Donald Trump an idiot. “I’m gonna say one thing: Fuck Trump!” he declared at the Tony Awards Sunday night. Now, two days later, Donald Trump has responded: “Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received to [sic] many shots to the head by real boxers in movies,” he tweeted. “I watched him last night and truly believe he may be ‘punch-drunk.’ I guess he doesn’t realize the economy is the best it’s ever been with employment being at an all time high, and many companies pouring back into our country. Wake up Punchy!” he said, choosing the made-up nickname “Punchy” over literally any legitimate movie reference:
Not to be like “Are you talkin’ to me?” but can someone please invite Robert De Niro anywhere, to speak at anything? Unlike Drake, he’ll let a diss track loose.