There have been some high-profile executive departures in the DC Entertainment wing of Warner Bros. lately, but it looks like some new faces are coming in. According to The Hollywood Reporter, new DCE chief Walter Hamada is cleaning house a bit now that he’s in charge. He’s reportedly going over the development slate to decide what’s worth prioritizing and needs to be purged, and one of the most important projects to future-DC is the Matt Reeves Batman film. The writer-director’s script reportedly focuses on a younger Batsy, and while Warner Bros. didn’t have any comment on the story, THR says it is “unlikely” that Affleck will star in that solo picture. The studio has been floating the idea of a separate production banner to house supers outside of the Justice League continuity, and now THR reports it could be called “DC Black” or “DC Dark,” which at least gets points for really leaning into their identity.
Since the start of this month, DC Entertainment presidents Diane Nelson and Geoff Johns have both left those roles at the company. (Yes, they were both presidents, but Johns answered to Nelson, so they weren’t quite equals.) According to one inside source, it sounds like Hamada’s job has partly been getting the chaos under control: “He walked into a shitshow, and he’s trying to clean it up,” says someone “familiar with the scene.” And it sounds like, despite the tidying up, there are still at least two Jokers in our future with Jared Leto and Joaquin Phoenix both getting their own movies.