Antoni Porowski catches my eye across the table and utters the magic words: “We can help.” I’d invited Netflix’s Queer Eye cast, the new Fab Five — Jonathan Van Ness (grooming), Karamo Brown (culture), Bobby Berk (design), Tan France (fashion), and Porowski (food) — for an interview at the private room at Tang Hotpot, a Sichuanese hot-pot restaurant on the Lower East Side, but I’m wholly unprepared to order for the group. They’ve been up since 5:30 a.m. doing press and are ravenous — each with different needs and desires. When the waiter asks me what we want to do, I feel a fresh panic wash over me. “Do you mind me taking over?” Porowski says gently. “I’m always that guy, and I’m happy to.” “Yes,” I reply. “I’m being Queer Eye’d!”
Seemingly overnight, the Fab Five have become a cultural force, with book deals, restaurants, and brand collaborations. The first season of the rebooted Queer Eye debuted on Netflix on February 7. Its return isn’t simply a nostalgic throwback in terms of TV programming, but also to an Obama-era optimism, where political and cultural differences could be bridged with active listening, a patterned short-sleeved button-down, and some shiplap. This second season, which premiered on Netflix on June 15, is a continuation of the same production shoot (they filmed all the episodes at once and Netflix split them into two seasons) as they travel around the state of Georgia to various homes, fire stations, and community centers and make people over, but really, attempt to give them a road map to a better self.
As Porowski discusses food with the waiter (“It’s going to be the whitest dinner anyone’s had in a long time. I want it to be very conservative and safe,” he says, “[but] I wanted some weird shit!”), the room buzzes with chatter. Van Ness is sitting next to me, affecting a British accent, while Berk noodles a chopstick into his ear. If being queer is about making your own family, they’ve found their television one: It’s intimate and familiar; and when they fight, it’s like siblings. Over the course of the next hour and a half, they discuss what they learned during production, tussle over politics, and compare dating in Los Angeles to dating in New York.
To start from the beginning, what were your first impressions of each other?
Tan France: Can we make it slightly inappropriate? I kind of had a thing for Jonathan and Karamo on the first day!
So you had two crushes.
TF: Not really a crush, I just thought they were handsome.
Karamo Brown: You had a crush on me. You told me you had a crush on me.
Jonathan Van Ness: This is truly what happened in casting. There was this email that was sent out to this group of us and they were like, “This isn’t the time to be a wallflower. We want to see how everyone gets along.” So if you could just imagine 40 gay men in a hotel ballroom mingling each other to death at seven in the morning. It was like The Hunger Games meets American Idol, plus RuPaul’s Drag Race, and America’s Next Top Model meets rebooted Queer Eye.
How would you describe your family dynamic?
KB: [pointing] JVN is baby, Antoni is middle brother. Bobby is Mommy. I’m Dad. [To Tan] This is Grandpa.
Antoni Porowski: You’re also like young Mark Ruffalo Dad. You’re not a boring dad.
JVN: I am the youngest of us chronologically, but I would also say, people who have very effervescent, loud personalities can be quick to be labeled “baby.” The observation I have about the group is that I’m not so much baby as I’m who the group needs me to be when they need me to be it, because I have the least identifiable role of the five of us. So whether I continue to be the comedian, or the dad to keep us together, or someone to question us, I have a very versatile place among the five of us.
AP: This broth smells so good.
Let’s talk about the second season, which feels like a learning season thematically. You’re ostensibly there to teach other people, but what were you learning yourselves during this process? For example, Tan, you have a learning experience with Skyler, the trans man in episode five.
TF: It was important to show. Just because we’re all members of the LGBTQ community doesn’t mean we also know everything about that community.
KB: As a culture, people are scared to talk to people they don’t understand, and they’re scared to ask questions because they don’t want to be judged or seen as if they’re ignorant or trying to be malicious. For him [Tan] to have a conversation, as a member of the LGBTQI community, was so special. Because I, myself, Jonathan, I think Antoni, and Bobby had had experience with the trans community. Those questions didn’t come to mind because I’d already evolved past that. We’re giving such a clear breadth of the human experience, but also the LGBT experience as gay men, that allows people to say, “You know what, they’re not all the same, and it’s okay for us to learn from each other.”
Are you afraid of being judged for not knowing?
TF: We have a lot of chats before the episode starts to film, and that was something we talked about. I really pushed to say, yes, I’m nervous that people are going to chastise me in that community for not knowing beforehand. However, I love that I was in a privileged enough position to be able to ask the questions that a lot of people really want to ask around the world, not just America. It gave Skyler, and hopefully the trans community, a vehicle to answer those questions for the wider audience.
KB: Anybody who’d want to judge that should look at themselves in the mirror and ask, “why do I want to judge someone who’s growing and learning?”
TF: Because I was so uninformed, it was genuine. It came from a real, authentic place.
Bobby Berk: It didn’t come across as trying to be preachy.
[A waiter brings in plates of heaping vegetables.]
AP: Look at the enoki! Is that hen-of-the-woods? No, that’s a king.
This is specifically for Tan and Bobby, but I feel like a lot of the emotionally affecting moments on the show happen around material things.
KB: A lot of emotional moments happen around things? I disagree.
JVN: Yeah, when I walk in the house and see them see their makeovers, I cry.
I do too!
KB: I’ve never heard someone say that’s the most emotional part.
We can think of material things as superficial, but I think they are deeply affecting.
AP: Because something superficial can contribute to how you feel about yourself and your self-esteem.
BB: I don’t think the emotional aspects of my vertical come from the fact that it’s a thing. The emotional reactions came from the personal things that I intertwined in those things. The personal photographs that I found, the quilt that Tan and I made for Corey.
TF: From my vertical, people, especially men, don’t realize what clothes can do for their self-esteem, the way they see themselves, their confidence. When I get them undressed for the first time, trying new clothes on, they see the potential they’ve had their whole lives. That’s super powerful! If we look like shit, we feel like shit. But when we make an effort, it’s amazing what I can do that day when I’m feeling my best. That’s why these heroes [they call the subjects this on the show] have such an emotional connection to clothes.
AP: And that’s not to detract from culture. Sometimes I think he [Karamo] needs to plant the seed of being like, “Hey, what’s going on here?” when other times it’s like, “Well, now you have the clothes and you flipped that switch,” and then he’s there to pick it up and continue.
KB: It was the word emotional. I think what they do is transformative. It allows them to know they can transform. The word emotion has a different meaning for me. That’s what my question was. I think what they do is phenomenal.
Karamo, you said you met Karen Pence’s chief of staff. What happened?KB: There’s an organization I work with called the Creative Coalition. I bring different celebrities who want to work in politics and entertainment, and who have a passion for art, to meet with politicians who try to get more art funding for schools. And right now, this administration is in the process of wanting to cut the arts in dramatic ways. So we went there to say, “This is why the arts are important.” The chief of staff and a couple other people were very open to hearing about us. But I had been told that discussing being a gay man was not something I could do, and so I decided in that moment to, not overtly, but conversationally, bring up the fact…
AP: Karamo’s like “Challenge accepted!”
TF: “I’m gonna make the chief of staff cry!”
So what happened?
KB: Very open and receptive. There was no negativity. They were like, “Great, I understand your perspective.” I’ve always been taught that if you want to see effective change, you have to be in rooms with people who tell you you’re not welcome there. I’m not saying I directly heard I’m not welcome, but we know the stance of this administration.
We do. Do you feel like that’s effective?
KB: I do. I am a black gay man and I have been closed out of many doors. What we learned from generations behind is that it’s our duty to bang the door and say, “No, I have to come in.” What’s that saying? “If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re most likely on the menu?”
I would say banging on the door feels like a different dynamic than going into the belly of the beast and having this type of conversation. I’m wondering if that’s effective because there are plenty of people who have tried to have that conversation with this administration, but I was wondering if that’s where the focus should be?
KB: I think the focus should be everywhere. Jonathan is really political as well and he has a different approach. His approach is phenomenal, but you need someone else to say, “I’m willing to go into this space.” And at this particular time, every journey that can lead us to where we hope to be is right. What Jonathan and I feel is the same. We want LGBTQ people, we want marginalized people, to get their rights. So if I feel like being in the belly of the beast is going to give me access to maybe change one mind, that’s enough for me to say, “Maybe there’s a victory there.”
[To Jonathan] Do you want to speak about that?
JVN: Like Buddha says, honey, there’s many ways to the top of the mountain and everyone has their own way. I just think that, if this was like, November ’16 through some time in ’17, maybe there are multiple things I would’ve advocated. But for me, I can’t normalize the behavior. Two-thousand-and-fifteen Indiana governor Mike Pence is all I need to know to know that I will advocate for change and affect change in a room that isn’t actively trying to kill people. So that’s how I feel about that. But at the same time, what Karamo says is super-duper true. The left in me is saying, “I don’t know!”
Hypothetical: Would you do a Queer Eye makeover for the Colorado baker the Supreme Court ruled in favor of, who refused to bake a cake for a gay couple?
AP: I would. I want to know what that’s about. I want to know about who your parents were, how you were raised. I want to know, if this person were vetted, if there’s a willingness. Then I want to know about where that willingness is coming from.
BB: So Jeremy, firehouse season one. We received a text from him talking about how he’s received a lot of flak for going on Queer Eye from his religious community. Before the show, he was almost reluctant to do it because he felt the same way. And then after meeting us, we were humanized in his eyes. It was very easy for him to judge an entire group of people that he had never interacted with, and he said that if the world would do the same thing — interact with those groups of people that they hated — most people wouldn’t hate anymore.
KB: That, to be honest, is exactly why I always feel like I have to put myself in those rooms. What I will tell you is the majority of the people in there, even the ones who were liberal, had never experienced a black, gay man …
JVN: What liberals were in the room at Karen Pence’s?
KB: Other celebrities. They had never experienced a gay black man who’s raising children as a single father and who came from immigrant parents. The more I was exposing them to my story, it was like, “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” Does it mean I’m changing hearts and everything is going to change right then and there? No. But it’s like Queer Eye — we’ve spent months with Trump supporters. Does it mean that all of a sudden they’re going to change their votes? No. But it does mean that we put ourselves in a position where we said, “Maybe by exposing ourselves, things can change.”
JVN: Personally, where I come from, I have had people my entire life tell me to my face, “I don’t agree with your lifestyle. You should never be able to be married. You’re a faggot.” Pushed down the stairs, “faggot” spray painted on my car. When I say chased around with pitchforks, I’m halfway kidding. So when you close the door [and] walk out of that room, I’m pretty sure I know the type of language that was used to describe what you’d be doing in a place like that. When I walk out of a room with someone like that, I know very clearly the thoughts that are going through their head. Would they say it to my face? No. They’ll shake my hand with a smile on their face, and then they’re going to go and take your mom’s health care, take your children’s health care, and they’re also going to try to take food stamps from people and make sure women need to qualify how much work [they] can get so they can feed their children. So to the baker, this is someone who is fighting for the extreme right to win something on principle that the Colorado Supreme Court ruled against—
AP: I think we’re making a lot of assumptions about the baker.
JVN: No. I’ve actually done a lot of research on this. I’m very well-versed in this case.
AP: No, no, no —
JVN: I’m not making too many assumptions. I let you finish your point on the baker and wanting to work with him, so I’m going to finish mine. This is someone who has led a charge from the fanatical wing of the U.S. to disenfranchise gay people and further feed the flames of the right, who says we’re evil and shouldn’t have the right to marry. Exactly what’s going on with Roe v. Wade will be the case for gay marriage if these same people continue to win Supreme Court decisions like they just won. So by legitimizing them, especially the person that has stoked such an intense case against marriage equality, that also presents such a big bone in the side of furthering marriage equality. Because even though this decision was close and it didn’t reverse the decision of the Ninth District and the Colorado board that decides the governing ethics that this baker reversed, that Supreme Court decision wasn’t super-duper clear because it didn’t reverse the initial…
It was very narrow.
JVN: It was very narrow. But once you’ve lived a struggle that is not the struggle you’d have growing up in Montreal or Houston or a bigger city, and really had those people’s policies affect your local life, you have to be very careful. Especially given the opportunity the five of us have been given. To have this platform and have these followers, to be taking interviews and to say lightly that you’d take him [put the baker on the show], I don’t know. That’s why I don’t know if I’d want that episode. I really don’t. And I sure as hell couldn’t legitimize someone like Karen or Mike Pence. But the thing I love about us is that we can have this conversation. [To Karamo] You will hold my hand, we will cuddle up — not with our tops off, don’t be awkward.
AP: I’m not talking about the Pences’ views, but the idea of the baker. Cory [a contestant from season one], when I first met him and he had a Trump banner on his thing, I wanted to get the hell out of there.
JVN: Right. But this is someone who was vetted and okay to be around us, and the baker of the fucking baking shop that has spent his life’s mission … I’m telling you. Are you kidding me? Have you read the story?
AP: No!
JVN: So you’d know, if you did, that I’m not making a lot of this up.
AP: I just want to go and talk to the guy, because you hear so much shit …
JVN: Well, good luck to you. Read the article.
AP: Look, we’ve made mistakes as well. I’m not … [sighs]
JVN: Next question?
It must be strange to be famous for being yourself. It doesn’t create much of a barrier for you, because you’re more exposed in some ways. I was wondering if that’s scary or challenging, or how you’ve navigated that.
AP: Well, the tricky part is, especially for me, the way I connect with heroes is when I’m most vulnerable. That seems to be what gets the most attention, like the nice little stock cry at the end of Tammye’s episode. That was something for me that was just a really beautiful moment. It was very personal and I felt extremely naked. I physically wanted to leave the room. To get all this attention for it, it’s weird! I want to keep on doing that, but I don’t want people clapping their hands for it either. I don’t get off on that.
TF: I’m always willing to give a certain amount of myself to the show. Everybody on this cast knows I love a boundary, and I don’t think I ever will give everything away. Keeping some of that stuff to myself really helps me with the public stuff. That is a way you can protect yourself.
A lot of the DMs I’ve gotten over the last few days since season two came out are, “Oh my gosh, you finally were on the brink of crying in Skyler’s episode,” but even then I stopped myself.
BB: You’re the only one who hasn’t cried.
TF: No, Karamo hasn’t …
JVN: Oh my God … when I tried to wax Karamo’s ears in our apartment in Atlanta. This is next-level cry. Getting your ears waxed — like, I have the hairiest ears on a 31-year-old man I’ve ever seen. Truly, I could make an alpaca jacket from my ear hair. Karamo just had a few little babies, not anything major, so one day he was like, “Oh, these ear hairs, what do I do about those?” And I was like, “Oh, I wax them all the time. No big deal. Come on over and I’ll do it tonight.” I made a little tab and started to rip it off and I got literally a hair off and he almost knocked me unconscious. He jumped off the stool, he was like, “No! No! No!” He’s like, “You have to get some oil! Tease it off. You can’t rip that off!” I was like, “Karamo, you’re being a baby, just let me!,” he’s like, “Okay,” he sits back down. I got like, one more hair off him, “HUH! HUH! HUH! NO MAN, I CAN’T DO IT JUST GIVE ME THE BABY OIL! I CAN’T DO THAT!” From the top of his head, he was all the way wet. He sweat like someone was torturing him! He wasn’t being dramatic because he has a low pain tolerance. He physically could not do it.
KB: It’s the truth.
[To Jonathan] You’re the only one who’s single, right? Is everyone in an open relationship or is everyone monogamous? [People indicate they are monogamous.] How has it affected your dating life?
JVN: When I lived in L.A., it didn’t at all, but New York is much more of a market for me. In [New York], they’re like 80 percent more queer-accepting, queer-curious. They might present like someone who’s masc-for-masc, but when you talk to them, they’re not worried about it. They’re gay for everyone; they love everyone; they’re not racist on their Grindr. And then there’s the gay misogyny, gay racists, so much internalized homophobia, you can only have sex with your twin or someone who’s on so much steroids that they can’t look straight. I feel like in L.A., that type of man is much more pervasive. There is a gorgeous little baby queer community in L.A., but you have to look a lot harder for it.
TF: Why? I want to understand why. Are they just being encouraged to only go for masculine?
JVN: It could be the relationship NYC has with club culture and queer kids and Stonewall and the development of queer culture in NYC in the ’80s as this cultural hub, and really being an epicenter of “Fuck the man” from the gays.
BB: I think you could say L.A. has a bit of a cookie-cutter gay community.
JVN: When I was on Grindr and Scruff in L.A. — I think [the same] problem is in New York, too, but I haven’t been on it in New York — the level of racism and body-shaming is unacceptable. If you only want to fuck someone because of the color of their skin, you aren’t mature enough to use your dick!
AP: So what do they say? Like, “I’m only into …”
JVN: Blacks. No blacks.
“No fats, no femmes, no Asians.” Sometimes I prefer when they say it because then you know not to even bother.
TF: When they say “no Asians,” is it your Asians or all of us Asians?
I feel like they’re not that fine-tuned!
BB: Somebody saying that is too ignorant to know the difference.
JVN: I think it’s shocking. When you don’t have to put your face on a little box that you get to hide behind on your little gay sex app, some of these queens be getting real, real, real nasty.
In the movie But I’m a Cheerleader, they talk about your root — the moment or item or piece of pop culture that “made you gay.” What’s yours?
JVN: The thing you remember back to where you’re like “Ooh, I want to hump a pillow to a man.”
BB: Hot dogs at Yankee Stadium. Mark Wahlberg! That Calvin Klein ad!
JVN: Any Bowflex commercial before 1993.
AP: My oldest sister’s Bruce Weber collection of photographs.
BB: My mom’s bodybuilding magazines when I was like, 6. She was into lifting weights.
JVN: Oh, I was like, is your mom rubbing one out to bodybuilder magazines, too?
TF: Ew! The thought of your mom!
BB: The only thing my mom is rubbing one out to is Tan’s pillowy lips. Every time she watches an episode, she’s like, “Ah, Tan’s pillowy lips!”
JVN: Okay, this is some real stuff. I think we could get a triple Axel single-foot landing out of this question. Last night, I felt like Tan and I finally got to a point in our relationship where we could break down some of these final boundaries that exist between us.
TF: There aren’t that many at all!
JVN: I looked at him square in the eye and said, “Be real with me. Once a year, do you ever just get a teeny-tiny bit of … Restylane. Just even 1/8th, just enough to make you kind of …” [pouts lips] And he looked at me square in the eye and he also showed there’s no extra skin like there would be.
TF: I’d tell you! I wouldn’t want to upset you!
AP: They’re beautiful and lush, but they’re not ridiculous! They’re not Lisa Rinna!
JVN: No, of course they’re not, that’s why I said an 1/8th of a fucking syringe, if you heard my innuendo!
BB: Can you chill out a little please?
AP: Relax, okay. It’s fucking dinner. It’s not a fucking cockfight.
JVN: The part that makes me think it could be fake is because the proportion of how big your upper lip is to the bottom. Like, your upper lip is so full.
TF: I mean, I take it as a massive compliment. Thank you so much.
JVN: And the other thing I was saying is he needs to be careful because what I really want to do with his lips is cut them off and grill them up with some confit and put some goat cheese on there and some green onions. Like, I have never been Hannibal Lecter for anything before, but them lips, honey!
TF: Anytime you want. Okay, our [root]? I’ve got two: one real-life, one celebrity. The first time I thought, “Oh, that’s interesting,” I didn’t know it was sexual. My sister had a picture of Keanu Reeves in Point Break in her cupboard. And then in real life, I was 12 and it was summer. We were just about to break for summer, and a boy who was just a friend to me took his top off and started playing basketball, and I was like, “Ah! You’re 12?”
JVN: When did you know you were a gay guy, Karamo?
KB: I don’t know.
JVN: Like, I opened my eyes outta my mom’s vagina and I was like, “I never wanna see that again.” This [Karamo] is someone who is body-positive, status-positive. He loves every color, every size, he doesn’t think that any weird past experience means you can’t fall in love later. That is so important, to have someone that looks like Karamo being like “I want whatever.” He is stunning and drop-dead gorgeous but he’s not like some …
TF: He’s not L.A. boy.
JVN: It could’ve been that you loved so much dick for so long that it would be hard to know when your mind was like, “I think that’s interesting.” Because you are just a big fan of dick and you probably always have [been].
KB: I just loved men. There was never …
JVN: But there was never a movie or something? What about that movie where they play all that volleyball at the beginning with Tom Cruise? Top Gun? Or Madonna’s music video where she was doing that bullfight? I will never forget: my babysitter walked in on me humping the shit out of these couch cushions to that music video. Her name was Nora and she said, “What are you doing?” and I was like, “Nothing!” I was 7, I didn’t know anything yet. I was just like “Ooh, when I hump a pillow on the ground it feels gorgeous!”
KB: I’ll just make up one.
[To Karamo] Time for a harder question. What was it like the first time you had sex with a guy?
KB: It was horrible. It was aggressive and I felt like I had to deal with his aggressive manner because I thought that’s what the videos I watched on porn told me was how sex between two men was. I wasn’t raped or assaulted —
JVN: But it wasn’t a lovemaking experience you were hoping for.
KB: It was like, “You have to take this and you’re gonna take this, no matter if it’s uncomfortable to you.” That’s all I remember about the first time. [Bobby puts his hand on Karamo.] But it wasn’t rape, it wasn’t that. It makes it seem like I was traumatized by that, but I wasn’t.
JVN: You just had a dom top.
KB: I happen to have this conversation with my two sons often because I get nervous about the porn they watch. They both identify as straight, and I see a lot of straight porn. It’s very aggressive towards women, and I’m constantly saying to them, “That’s not how sex should be. You don’t aggressively have sex with this woman to show your power or show her like sex is good.”
The reason why I ask is because I don’t feel like we often talk about gay sex ever and what that experience is like.
KB: I’ll talk about it all day long! That’s why I don’t mind sharing that. When you asked about our experience with this in reality television and the boundaries, well, I started in reality on MTV. I am not uncomfortable with people knowing intimate details of my life. I don’t mind that you know my kids. I don’t mind that you know my father and I don’t have a relationship. I love every bit of it. I feel like my existence and my experience is here to teach somebody else what to do or what not to do, or give them options.
A lot of the show is about giving people confidence they didn’t feel they had in themselves. In your lives, were there people who Queer Eye-d you? Were there people who helped you find your inner divas?
KB: These four guys. There’s a story I’ve told before, but on the show my hair is fake. If you watch the show, it’s drawn in. It wasn’t fully bald, but it was almost there, and I literally would draw it in. It wasn’t until I saw them. They gave courage, especially Jonathan.
JVN: I love you so much more without it, but you did a good-ass job fading that in. The one who really Queer Eye-d me as a child was Rudy Galindo. He was the first openly gay man, HIV+, in 1995 he went to the U.S. skating championship for the first time. I can remember exactly what his costume looked like: head-to-toe in black, had white accents. He came in third in the world. It was so major.
Another would’ve been Rupert Everett, and the third would’ve been my best friend Emily’s mom Shirley because she taught me what hair masks were, how to curl hair, how to not fishtail-end an at-home perm, how to use a curling iron, that cucumbers are anti-inflammatory. She taught me about fake cheese. She taught me all the cool stuff.
AP: I had an amazing professor, Victor Garaway. He taught my English elective, and he saw I was failing all my commerce and math classes. He was like, “I also head the theater department. I think you should come and check this out.” I ended up graduating in creative arts, and my parents still don’t know to this day. They think I graduated from commerce. I only found out he was gay — I tend to be a little clueless — a year into our friendship. He’d meet with me every week and check in because he knew my parents weren’t around very much. I’ve always had a mentor figure, like, an older dude.
BB: I’d say my friend Nancy. I couldn’t think of anybody until Jonathan brought up the fake-cheese thing. When I first moved to New York, little boy from Missouri, no idea what real culture was, my friend Nancy, one of the first things she did was she found the Kraft singles in my refrigerator, which I loved, and threw them away. She was like, “That’s not real cheese.” She taught me how to cook real food as opposed to food from Missouri, which is not good.
TF: Mine was probably an ex-boyfriend. We don’t give those experiences enough credit. How they treat you and how they love you can really help mold who you become.
Time for a lightning round of pop-culture questions. Should Armie Hammer have eaten the peach in Call Me by Your Name?
JVN: I still refuse to see this movie because it was so shoved down my throat by media, but you [Antoni] told me in the book he does eat the peach. So if he doesn’t eat the peach in the movie, I’m feeling very cheated and also very vindicated that I never saw it!
AP: There’s another part I told you about that’s in the book but didn’t make it into the movie, which is when he puts his hand on the belly.
Oh, the pooping! He wants him to feel him poop on their last day together. I loved it.
AP: [Mouths “I loved it.”]
KB: The whole movie is problematic as fuck to me.
BB: I still haven’t seen it.
KB: Don’t.
AP: I vote yes for the peach.
TF: I vote yes for the peach.
JVN: And he should’ve talked about the douche instead of feeling him poop.
Who should win on RuPaul’s Drag Race?
JVN: I’m between Aquaria and Eureka.
BB: I want Eureka to win. I feel that Aquaria’s too young, but she’s amazing at her age. You’re like “Maybe it’s not her time — whoa, she’s proving it is her time.”
JVN: She’s 21! To be 21 and competing like that.
Which Sex and the City character are you?
TF: Clearly Charlotte.
BB: I’m Miranda. I’m fucking Miranda.
AP: She fully took a cake out of the garbage and kept eating it. Mad respect.
TF: It was wrapped in foil.
JVN: Karamo is Samantha and I only say that because they’re both Scorpios.
KB: I’m not Samantha.
AP: Just the writing part, I’m Carrie.
KB: I’m Mr. Big.
Is there a place you’d like to go for season three?
JVN: Somewhere with some turquoise-ass beaches.
AP: Cold and hot! Full fur and then a week on the beach.
BB: Iceland?
KB: Reykjavik.
TF: I’d like to one day do an international one, if we’re lucky.
AP: Oh my God, all of our countries.
TF: England, Middle East.
AP: Go to Warsaw with everything going on right now in Poland.
JVN: I love their First Lady. Hear she’s fierce. But I hear her husband’s a piece of work, honey.