As is a reasonable mindset to have if you starred on a popular network drama for seven seasons, you can take the gal out of the suit, but you can never fully take the Suits out of the gal. (Har har har.) Such feelings bubbled up for former-actress-turned-legit-duchess Meghan Markle this week, when during her first “royal tour” in Ireland alongside her gingersnap hubby was asked by some well-wishers if she missed the series that made her the duchess of the USA network. Per Vanity Fair, she was more than happy to grin and respond to their inquiries. “I’m a fan of Suits, and I said to her that I miss it, and she said, So do I,” an Irish woman said. “She seemed very relaxed and was joking and laughing.” Hey, if the queen can get Crown screeners, hook Markle up with you know what.