Just one day after Showtime released the first trailer for its new Sacha Baron Cohen show, Who is America?, Sarah Palin is sounding off about the comedian, who apparently tricked her into an interview for the series. “Yup — we were duped. Ya’ got me, Sacha. Feel better now?” Palin wrote in a new blog post on her website. The Alaskan media personality was apparently told the interview would be for “a legit Showtime historical documentary,” and she details how it proceeded in the post.
For my interview, my daughter and I were asked to travel across the country where Cohen (I presume) had heavily disguised himself as a disabled US Veteran, fake wheelchair and all. Out of respect for what I was led to believe would be a thoughtful discussion with someone who had served in uniform, I sat through a long “interview” full of Hollywoodism’s disrespect and sarcasm — but finally had enough and literally, physically removed my mic and walked out, much to Cohen’s chagrin. The disrespect of our US military and middle-class Americans via Cohen’s foreign commentaries under the guise of interview questions was perverse.
Palin also shouts down Cohen’s “evil, exploitive, sick” humor and insists that Showtime should donate any profits made from the show to veterans groups. Additionally, she claims that the production team intentionally took Palin and her daughter to the wrong airport after their interview, causing them to miss their flight back to Alaska. That detail has neither been confirmed nor denied by Cohen or Showtime, but it does seem like something he would love to have on film.