In a feat surpassing several historical religious figures, NBC’s Timeless has died and lived again twice over. After canceling the time-travel series a month ago, the network announced today that it will wrap up the show with a two-part finale to air during the holidays this year. This is the second time the show has been cancelled and brought back to life, as the network killed the Sony-produced series after its first season, only to, days later, suddenly renew it for a second. “While we wish we could’ve made another dozen seasons of Timeless, this is the next best thing,” creators Shawn Ryan and Eric Kripke said in a statement. “We’re thrilled to take the Lifeboat out for one last spin and bring closure to our story. The studio, network, cast, and crew are all doing this for one reason only: the fans. Because they deserve it. Because the fans made this happen and we thank them for their passion, support, and helicopters. So? You guys want to get Rufus back or what?” Congratulations to all the fans who made it happen, and to all the network executives overseeing other fan-favorite TV who will have to deal with that much more outrage when those shows really get cancelled.