Ruth Wilson Says She’s ‘Not Allowed to Talk About Why’ She Left The Affair

Late into its fourth season, The Affair killed off Ruth Wilson’s character Alison. Though Alison’s death was foreshadowed early on in the show, Showtime has handled the way in which Wilson left the series extremely awkwardly (Ruth hasn’t done any post-mortem press), and it seems no one is happy about it. In her first interview since Alison’s death, Wilson told CBS This Morning that she wanted to leave the series, but is “not allowed to talk about why” (around 4:26 in the above video). Wilson had previously talked about how she was sure her co-star Dominic West was making more than her on the series, but when Gayle King pressed her about whether there was a disagreement about money, Wilson insisted she “never complained to Showtime about pay parity.” The Affair’s creator Sarah Treem also told The Hollywood Reporter that Alison’s death was determined by Wilson’s decision to leave the show. “That was a request, so that was decided basically before we started writing,” she said. “It wasn’t a discovery of any kind. That was very deliberate.” We won’t know the whole story until it’s told again from someone else’s point of view.

Ruth Wilson ‘Not Allowed to Talk About’ Leaving The Affair