Tom Hardy gets a lot of flak for his characters’ voices — hello Bane! — but he’s decided to get ahead of any critique of his voice as Al Capone in Josh Trank’s upcoming Fonzo. We haven’t heard the voice yet, but why not allow an opening argument? A new interview with Esquire includes a peek into his process, where Hardy describes who influenced his Capone accent: “The voice he developed for Al Capone in Fonzo is based on Bugs Bunny’s; to prove it, he plays me a clip of the raw footage on his phone,” Esquire reports. “Sure enough, he sounds like the cartoon rabbit with a severe case of vocal fry.” Fonzo isn’t expected until 2019, but it will follow the legendary gangster in the final days of his life:
Hardy doesn’t address his Venom voice, but does tease what real-life figures inspired the movie’s dual characters: boxer Conor McGregor, rapper Redman, and — for his “tortured neurosis and all the humor that can come from that” — Woody Allen.