Roses are red, violets are blue, Debra Messing and Susan Sarandon are feuding about leftist politics again — what’s new with you? After Sarandon told Variety that the only highlight of Donald Trump’s administration is that his policies have unintentionally inspired women and people of color to run for office, Debra Messing took her to task in a Twitter thread. “STFU SUSAN,” Messing wrote Wednesday afternoon. “Oh yes, PLEASE let’s give Trump CREDIT. I mean how else are you able to walk out on the street.”
Sarandon and Messing have butted heads about politics repeatedly in the past, mostly about Sarandon’s support for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton. In Messing’s thread, she called out Trump’s policies, and suggested Sarandon was a narcissist. “You don’t want to look at THAT part of the equation,” Messing wrote. “Because then you’d have to admit you were dead WRONG running around bellowing that HRC was more dangerous than Trump.” See for yourself: our long national nightmare — Sarandon and Messing not talking about politics — is over!
When Vulture asked Sarandon about her frequent online run-ins with Messing, Sarandon answered: “I haven’t spoken to Debra, but I would certainly look forward to any opportunity to say hello.”