Last night, Brie Larson got bored, and apparently when Brie Larson gets bored she likes to break things, and this time she wants to break your precious internet. At approximately 9:21 p.m., EST, the future star of Captain Marvel tweeted out, “Hey @EW I’m bored. Wanna break the Internet tomorrow?” Which is the celebrity PR Twitter equivalent of texting “U up?” at 1 AM. What could it mean? Is she also going to balance champagne on her butt? Probably not. Her partners in crime, Entertainment Weekly, stoked speculation further by responding, “Yes! Meet us here at noon ET. We’ve got something Marvel-ous in mind.” Which, okay, if they’re dropping the Captain Marvel trailer, which is the leading fan theory at this point, does she really need to be there at the EW offices? Can’t they just post it? People will be excited either way! Must we be subjected to these charades??