It was the wail heard ’round the world — “HAAA AH AH AH AH, AAAH AAAH, AH AH AH AH HAAA” — and now you get to hear the whole thing. After teasing us with a snippet of Lady Gaga’s majestic scream in the Star Is Born trailer, the movie’s marketing team has finally, finally released the full version of the song it comes from, “Shallow.” In the movie, it’s a song that Gaga’s Ally sings for Bradley Cooper’s Jackson Maine during their extended meet-cute; he pays her back by giving it a big rock arrangement, and inviting her onstage to sing it. The version released today comes from that concert scene, but if you’d prefer to watch Ally’s first draft, it’s right here. (In this video, the scream pops up at 2:35. The song’s lyrics are here.) You’re going to like it. Just trust me. That’s all you gotta do.