Between some of the most absurd wigs to grace the silver screen and the animatronic vampire baby that never was, the wildly successful Twilight franchise is something of a punchline ten years on. But while you might look back on that vampire baseball game and chuckle, star Robert Pattinson knows you’d be up for another Twilight movie. Luckily, he could be, too. As the actor told Variety, “Whenever anyone says it’s their guilty pleasure, it’s like, you say guilty, but what you really mean is just a pleasure.”
“I think I stopped mentally progressing around the time when I started doing those movies,” Pattinson joked about the films. “So it feels like not a day has passed.” But while the actor has spent the subsequent years pursuing roles in smaller, typically art house films, Pattinson says he’s open to reuniting with the cast for another vampire adventure, though he might need some medicinal help recapturing that porcelain 17-year-old immortal teenager lewk. “I was literally talking to my agent about it,” Pattinson said when asked about potentially doing another film in the franchise. “The amount of time I spend moisturizing, I am ready to play 17 at a moment’s notice,” he laughed. “I’ve got the Botox out.”