Many Insecure fans felt bamboozled when their beloved Best Buy employee Lawrence appeared to be sitting out for all of season three, only to — spoiler alert! — make his grand return at a 7-Eleven post-Coachella toward the season’s end. “There were people protesting at screenings at New York and L.A. It was like ‘No Lawrence, no peace!’ I was like ‘No Lawrence, no peace!’ Let’s bring him back,” Jay Ellis told Jimmy Kimmel ahead of this week’s finale. And if the #LawrenceHive would like to take credit for getting in formation and willing his return into fruition, Ellis is happy to let them have that. “Yes. So there are no riots at HBO.” Ellis of course can’t say if he’ll be back for season four, but he’s happy to let Kimmel say he won’t be so you can all start rallying the troops and get on the picket line now.