How much longer are we gonna slow-roll this “Bonnie’s child is still alive” thing? Let’s get to the good stuff. Let’s get to the emotional reunion and the eventual murder revelation. We did get a couple new pieces of information this episode: Bonnie’s father and sister re-kidnapped her baby and we know that Oliver is also missing at the wedding. Connor’s face is also a mess. I just want to get to the good stuff where even more murders are unfolding. Let’s enjoy where we are, shall we?
Bonnie is in her office T-minus two months from the wedding and Ron is leaving little cute notes for her, but before we can enjoy this budding romance, Annalise is giving her opening remarks to the jury in the psychopath CEO case. Turns out that isn’t just an indictment of capitalism but the title of his book. She’s giving the jury the definition of a psychopath and we’re seeing all the members of the Keating Gang (and Gabe) because How to Get Away With Murder loves symbolism. Annalise is crushing this opening statement and the client can already feel himself walking free. The good feelings stop when the press comes up to Annelise and tells her about the governor’s new executive order. Law students can no longer assist in trials unless they pass an ethics exam. Is the governor just doing this just to Annelise’s students or are there law students all across the state unable to assist with trials? Can you imagine being a law student somewhere else being affected by all of this bullshit the governor is trying to pull?
Oh, there’s also a runner about Laurel’s baby not being able to laugh. Can we just … not?
Nate finds a nurse who worked in the hospital where Bonnie’s baby was post-abandonment snatched. He’s grilling her about that day. The baby was left there just in a blanket with no note and everyone blamed the nurse for the baby’s kidnapping. Everyone in this situation is holding onto a lot of guilt and I’m ready for the emotional tearjerking scene with this nurse.
Back at the trial, the prosecution calls the psychopath CEO’s secretary to the stand. She’s loyal, she’s the perfect alib— oh shit, she’s flipping on Mr. Harrington. This is not good. She claims that she doesn’t remember, and she might be perjuring herself. She also says she thought Mr. Harrington, the psychopath CEO would strangle her. It’s a goddamn disaster. Annalise wants to know why Emmett is even listening to the suggestions from Harrington. We all should be listening to Annalise but if they can get Harrington acquitted, he’s going to bring all his psychopathic business to Caplan & Gold. Annalise knows she’s gotta find an alternate theory for the case because they can’t put Harrington on the stand. She asks Oliver to find some dirt on the secretary.
Frank breaks into Gabe’s apartment and finds a wad of cash with a drivers license from Chicago with a fake name and a suspicious hard drive. He takes the hard drive to a shady hacker in a car parked on the side of the road. You never see this hacker actually inside a building so he might actually be homeless. Meanwhile, Ron is having to deal with Asher’s “enthusiasm” at work but then Asher reveals that he used to bang Bonnie. Ron goes all… well, Ronnie from Jersey Shore and flips out on Bonnie. She does the whole “I’M COMPLICATED” routine and throws him out of her office. Well, that didn’t take long.
Back at Caplan & Gold, Annelise and Teagan are trying to prep Harrington for his cross-examination. It is not going well. You ask Harrington one question and he snaps back with “Oh? Really? That’s rich coming from you Annelise… BECAUSE OF YOUR VIOLENCE.” It’s all of the deflection and vitriol of the Kavanaugh hearings but with…a strange calm. It’s very unnerving and they can’t put this maniac on the stand. While Harrington is unloading on everyone, he says that Emmett did something in London. Michaela is trying to remedy her relationship with Teagan and that is also not going well. This is something else we can definitely move on from. We get it. Michaela is fundamentally unlikable and has no idea how to channel her inner rage into powerful bitchery.
Asher tells Ron about the executive order and Ron decides that the best plan of action is to offer Annalise a parking lot deal. He just needs convictions and she needs that executive order to be dealt with. He knows everyone on the panel and wouldn’t it be great if they all got a phone call? Annalise follows up with Bonnie to see if this is a trick. Bonnie and her li’l boyfriend are fighting so she doesn’t know what’s on the table. Plus Ron might leave her for good because SHE’S COMPLICATED.
Oliver finds some saucy evidence. Apparently, Harrington’s wife had a secret email account and she was e-mailing with the secretary. She revealed that she was having an affair with the psychopath CEO’s business partner and the wife is the one who killed him. The wife also has like three lines this entire episode. She murdered someone but she doesn’t pass The Bechdel Test. The wife knew the business partner was going to leave her husband’s company and to protect the money-er… her husband she fought back. Also, the sexual affair was pretty freaky.
Annalise wants to slip the emails to the DA’s office and slyly deliver the verdict Ron wants. Harrington is refusing to throw his wife under the bus so they have to do something.
Annalise is interviewing the secretary. Has she been on the stand for three full days? Annalise is going to have her try on the belt. If the owner of the belt did the crime, let’s all try on the belt. The belt fits the secretary and Harrington tries it on and it doesn’t fit! He also decides to joke to the jury “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” So in addition to potentially being a psychopath, he’s also just an insufferable asshole.
While Annalise is working her magic in the courtroom, the Keating Gang is undergoing this ethics exam. It’s all just a thinly veiled way to get them to admit if Annalise has done anything wrong. All the questions are about the students’ “supervisor” and Connor is the only one to figure it out. Wow, Connor? The only one? Good for him.
Nate goes back to the nurse and shows her a picture of Bonnie and asks if keeping this secret gave her breast cancer. WHOA NATE. Either way, the nurse says the woman who took the baby was Bonnie.
The jury finds Harrington……… guilty. Oh dear. Guess he was too much of an asshole. Annalise says that he should have let them take his wife down. Harrington says that he wants to stand for something and be loyal.
It’s time for the final montage and Oliver has gotten a narratively convenient job at Caplan & Gold where he notices that Gabe is on a flip phone… but Frank asked him to hack a flip phone. Oh no. But Frank isn’t there. He’s at Gabe’s house planting the hard drive back after the hacker installed the keylogger. He intercepts Michaela who is trying to go back to Asher when she’s very drunk.
Nate comes over to Annalise’s at the end of the night and he tells her about everything he’s found out from the nurse. Annalise looks at the security footage and says that isn’t Bonnie in the photo. It’s her sister.
I hope they have Liza Weil play her own sister with a wig on.