Great news, everybody! A horse remembered Liam Neeson on the set of his new Coen brothers film The Ballad of Buster Scruggs from their work together on a previous film! “I play a traveling impresario. We filmed in New Mexico. The odd thing is the horse who pulls my wagon knew me,” the actor reportedly said while at the New York Film Festival, according to Page Six’s Cindy Adams. “You won’t believe it. I’m saying this horse knew me. He actually remembered me from another Western we made a while back.”
While Neeson apparently didn’t identify the movie set where he first became acquainted with the horse, he did appear in 2014’s A Million Ways to Die in the West. More of a long shot would be 2006’s Seraphim Falls, but hey, we’re not horse memory doctors here. If we were, we would do everything in our power to help horses remember their old co-worker Liam Neeson.
While your first reaction to Liam Neeson’s excellent horse news is undoubtedly, “Yes, absolutely,” your follow-up response might be, “How exactly do you know if a horse recalls your previous working relationship? Explained the actor, “He whinnied when he saw me, and pawed the ground.”
And while you might remember Liam Neeson from his award-nominated turns in Schindler’s List or Michael Collins, there was a more practical friendship-forging element at play between the pair on their earlier movie. Said Neeson, “I love animals. When we worked together before I took special care of him. I fed him treats. Gave him apples.”