This week, the world finally stopped holding its breath, as the BBC revealed what it says are the official titles for the four forthcoming Avatar sequels: Avatar: The Way of Water, Avatar: The Seed Bearer, Avatar: The Tulkun Rider, and Avatar: The Quest for Eywa. Those movies will take us into 2025 — but what about after that? To aid James Cameron in his quest to only make Avatar movies until the end of his natural life, we have provided 19 more helpful titles for more Avatar sequels:
2 Avatar 2 Furious
Avatar: Avatoo!
George R.R. Martin’s Avatar 9: Because Anything But the Final Game of Thrones Book
Avatar: Return to Pandora, No, Not the App
Avatar: Return of What’s-His-Name and Who’s-Her-Face
Avatar and the Four Realms
Avatar: Kate Winslet’s Here This Time
Avatar: Here We Go Again!
Avatar: Once Again Not That Animated Series
Avatar: The Return of Nanette
Avatar Ventura: Pet Detective
Avatar: Papyrus’s Revenge
Av-a-tar? I’ll Av ALL the Tars!
Avatar: Blue Is the Warmest Color
Avatar: This Time We Show the Sex Stuff
Avatar: Remember, They ‘Do It’ With Their Weird Hair Thing
Avatar: Please Visit Pandora in Disney World. Please, We Spent So Much on It
Avatar: Probably Worse Than the First One But Who Even Remembers at This Point
Avatar: Oops, We Still Kept Ruining the Environment Anyway, Sorry, James