Ezra Miller continues his ceaseless barrage of fabulousness in the new issue of Playboy, where he smokes a joint for 80 minutes straight, makes the interviewer cry, and styles his own photoshoot (complete with bunny ears and fishnets). “[I]t’s unlikely that anyone can predict how an interview with Ezra Miller will go,” writes Ryan Gajewski in possibly the truest statement ever made. For example: when asked about his first memory of Playboy, Miller recounts a time when he and another boy jerked each other off while looking at a copy of the magazine.
In the interview, Miller comments on the pervasiveness of abuse in Hollywood while simultaneously avoiding discussion of Johnny Depp’s role in Crimes of Grindelwald. “I would say that literally every single aspect of my reality, inclusive of a lot of things that are not fine with me, are fine with me,” he says. “It’s amazing how far the banner of all good can extend.” Miller then draws parallels between the 1930s setting of Grindlewald and our current political era, saying that anyone aware of history must be “bugging out” at the moment, because we know what happens next. Maybe that’s the truest statement ever made.