In his new Netflix late-night show Patriot Act, Hasan Minhaj essentially delivers one lengthy stand-up act a week, roughly twenty minutes end to end. That gives him plenty of time to explore a number of subtopics under the episode’s general title, this Sunday’s being “Oil,” which is how he ends up connecting the depiction of Muslim people in the Netflix drama Bodyguard to his larger point about Trump’s Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke exploiting, and claiming to value, protected federal lands. Turns out, everyone just wants it both ways. “You can’t idolize Teddy Roosevelt and destroy the environment,” jokes Minhaj at 16:00 in the video above. “That’s like Netflix having the first Muslim talk show host and Bodyguard. Stay woke, Netflix!”
The Patriot Act host isn’t the first person to accuse the BBC drama of Islamophobia over a number of elements, starting with the suicide bomber introduced in the series’ premiere. In response to criticism, the show’s creator Jed Mercurio told Britain’s Radio Times in September, “Unfortunately the reality of our situation is that the principal terror threats in the UK do originate from Islamist sympathizers. I do understand that’s different from the religion of Islam, but it’s the reality of who the perpetrators are of the majority of the offenses.”
Minhaj, at least, isn’t having it. “Bodyguard is good though, right? It’s so good, you almost forget about the Islamophobia. Almost,” muses the host. “You still taste it though, a little bit. ‘Why does he have to be so close to the bomb?’ But the drama is so gripping.” Sings the comedian in conclusion, “Oh, to be white!”