The world’s foremost hot international pairing of fellow hot people Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra are getting married, so they’ve also booked a whole Vogue story about their relationship. As you might expect, the tale winds through events that hot, famous people love, like trips to the Met Gala, a Dodgers Game, and even a visit to a live stage performance of Beauty and the Beast (okay, that one is weird, but I wanted to mention it). The story begins, however, with Jonas sliding into Priyanka’s Twitter DMs after seeing her on Quantico and texting her co-star Graham Rogers about it. “I’m hearing from a few mutual friends that we should meet,” Jonas said he texted in September of 2016, while Chopra replied that day with “a message that said, ‘My team can read this. Why don’t you just text me.’” Sliding into the DMs can work! It helps to be a Jonas brother with the arms the size of small redwoods, but still! There is hope for the rest of us thirsty lunatics online.
In other news, unless you doubt the seriousness of ChopJo, as we have just now decided to call this couple, before the 2017 Met Gala, Priyanka invited Nick over to her apartment, “even though her mother was home watching Law & Order in her nightgown.” That night apparently ended with only a singular back pat (“Your mom was in the house!” Jonas says. “I thought it was a respectful first night.”), but you don’t interrupt someone’s Law & Order unless you know something important is going on. That’s just good manners.