Imagine this. You’re having lunch with your friends at the Beverly Hilton, and across the restaurant you spot none other than Adonis Creed, a.k.a. Erik Killmonger, a.k.a. the very dateable movie star Michael B. Jordan. What can do you but pose your friends in such a way that it’s not completely obvious that you’re actually trying to snap Jordan and his muscles IRL? But, secret shooters, beware. The camera-trained object of your iPhone lens knows exactly what you’re up to. “There’s this Spidey sense I have now,” Jordan told the New York Times, explaining how he can tell when fans are attempting to take a photo of him. “I’ve just got to get comfortable with that being my life now. After you do a Marvel film, things change.”
Jordan doesn’t mind the fan attention though. “I don’t feel like it’s just, ‘You’re famous, let me get a picture,’ ” he told the Times. “I feel like they really connect with what I’m doing, and they’ve been a part of things I’ve done in the past. It’s not just because I’m hot right now.”