Move over, Ask a Manager! Queen of the Who’s Rita Ora dished advice to the readers of The Guardian, and it was the frank, pro-hand sanitizer talk we need. Fresh off her Macy’s Parade whoopsie, Rita played advice giver (or as Brits call it, Agony Aunt) to promote her new album, Phoenix. She handed out tips on everything from Secret Santa gifts to Brexit.
On what to give for Secret Santa:
“I love a product.”
On food allergies:
“It’s a conversation-starter. A gluten allergy is really serious to be fair; it can be life threatening! Isn’t it, like, crazy?”
On roommates who piss in the shower:
“First of all, how do you know that? How do you know they’re pissing? It’ll be awkward for a minute, but bring it up on a drunken night out: ‘Stop pissing in the shower!’ ”
On saving money:
“Stop shopping, vaping and drinking. I’m pretty responsible in that department, I’m not gonna lie. If there’s something that’s one in a million, that’s the kind of thing I’ll consider. I saw a beautiful Cy Twombly art piece that was the size of my hand and I was completely overwhelmed. Art is a new thing for me but I bought that. It was worth it.”