He might be missed in the saddest fashion, but seek solace in the fact Park and Recreation’s very own Li’l Sebastian is, indeed, up in horsey heaven. Or rather, the Good Place. But wait, isn’t it technically the Bad Place? Oh dear.
On Friday, the official social-media channels of The Good Place posted a photo of Janet (D’Arcy Carden) happily posing next to a mini-horse with a striking resemblance to the Parks and Rec icon, only for a series of captions and tags to confirm it was indeed Li’l Sebastian. Numerous candle Emojis alluded to Mouse Rat’s power ballad “5,000 Candles in the Wind,” while Parks’ own social-media channels subsequently reposted the snap with a separate caption. (“1 like = 1 candle in the wind.”) The message was clear: An iconic crossover event in the Mike Schur TV Universe transpired, and it was only a matter of time before we witnessed Li’l Sebastian eating heaven’s hay and urinating freely. But what if we already bore witness to such an event and just … pulled a Ben Wyatt and didn’t get it? At all?
While some outlets (not unreasonably) speculated the photo was a tease of a future Good Place episode, your pal Vulture carefully rewatched the most recent episode, due to one of the flashbacks having a “Pick a Pet” day with numerous animals running around Michael’s neighborhood. And lo and behold, about five minutes into the episode, look who nonchalantly shows up in the background when Eleanor and Chidi discuss the pros and cons of owning a “tarantula squid.” It’s him!
NBC didn’t immediately respond to Vulture’s request to confirm if The Good Place and Parks and Rec indeed employed the same mini-horse, but we’ll be damned if that blonde center-part didn’t make you piss tears.