Lena Dunham has publicly apologized to actress Aurora Perrineau, who accused a Girls writer of assault. When Perrineau went public with the allegation — accusing Girls writer and producer Murray Miller of assaulting her — last fall, Dunham and her former collaborator Jenni Konner released a statement defending Miller. Later that week, they apologized for the statement. Now, in The Hollywood Reporter, Dunham reflected on her part in the whole ordeal: “When someone I knew, someone I had loved as a brother, was accused, I did something inexcusable: I publicly spoke up in his defense,” she wrote. “There are few acts I could ever regret more in this life. I didn’t have the ‘insider information’ I claimed but rather blind faith in a story that kept slipping and changing and revealed itself to mean nothing at all.”
Dunham apologized to Perrineau directly: “To Aurora: You have been on my mind and in my heart every day this year. I love you. I will always love you. I will always work to right that wrong. In that way, you have made me a better woman and a better feminist,” she wrote. “You shouldn’t have been given that job in addition to your other burdens, but here we are, and here I am asking: How do we move forward? Not just you and I but all of us, living in the gray space between admission and vindication.” You know what that is? Growth!