last night on late night

Oprah Called Busy Tonight and Busy Philipps Freaking Lost It

On the first episode of Busy Tonight, Busy Philipps pointed out a phone on her set that was for Oprah Winfrey and Oprah Winfrey only. Tonight, the Oprah Phone finally rang. In her last show before hiatus, Philipps got a call from her idol and she immediately burst into tears. “I am never recovering from this,” Philipps said as glitter eyeshadow ran down her cheeks. Philipps and Winfrey talked about Harvest Day (Oprah’s got “the hugest tangerines you’ve ever seen”), and Busy even snagged an invite to visit Winfrey at an unspecified later date. Apparently Winfrey is a big proponent of women in late-night!

Oprah Called Busy Tonight and Busy Philipps Freaking Lost It