Before we were embraced with the warm hug of digital shorts, laser cats, and about one thousand other digital shorts on SNL, their maestro, Andy Samberg, was just like any other young comedian with a big dream: to be a cast member gracing the stage of Studio 8H, shooting lasers out of the eyes of tabbies. And when he found himself jockeying for the gig in a final-round interview with Lorne Michaels, the show’s gatekeeper made it clear that, yeah, Samberg is super funny, but his mountain of floppy, curly hair is not. Cut it ASAP, Michaels advised, or the gig probably wouldn’t be his. “If you see pictures of me in the beginning of SNL, my hair was insane — and it was worse before I started,” Samberg said on Sunday Today, per People. “That was the cut-down, and Lorne did ask me in that meeting, ‘Would you be willing to cut your hair?’ And I was like, ‘Yeah! I’ll shave my head. I’ll do whatever you want.’ ” To think we could’ve been deprived of all those dicks in boxes if he didn’t embrace the scissors.