In an interview he gave back in August 2018, D.L. Hughley offered his two cents on Terry Crews’s sexual assault by now-former WME agent Adam Venit. “I think that now everybody’s so into this notion that, ‘It happened to me too,’” the comedian said in part. “Hey, motherfucker. God gave you muscles so you could say no and mean it.” On Sunday, Terry Crews confronted Hughley on Twitter about his comments, asking Hughley if he really, absolutely feels violence is an appropriate answer. ”If you truly feel that is a correct way to deal with toxic behavior,” the Brooklyn Nine-Nine actor tweeted. “Should I slap the shit out of you?”
As you might recall, Crews discussed his sexual assault in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee this past summer. Venit eventually apologized and resigned from the agency over the incident, in which he reportedly grabbed Crews’s genitals at an industry party.
In response to Crews’s tweets, Hughley replied simply, “You saw the video!,” suggesting Crews should have resorted to “slapping the shit” out of Venit instead. “You mock my success, but all I ever did was support you,” the actor told Hughley in conclusion. “Abuses protect abusers but they mock survivors as well. When you see me, keep it moving.”