Last year, comedian Andy Daly showed up during an episode of Conan in character as Reed Newport, the host of a long-canceled ’80s game show who now spends his life wandering around the Warner Bros. lot in complete denial that he is no longer, in fact, the host of Fill in the Blanks. Somehow we missed his glorious return to Conan earlier this week, so in case you missed it, too, behold the clip above to catch yourself up. This time around, O’Brien makes another attempt to get Newport to accept the harsh reality about his job: “Reed, your game show, it was canceled a long, long time ago. It’s okay. It’s time to stop. You can rest now, all right?” To which Newport replies, “Well, you know, maybe it is time to pack up my things and move down south … all the way to the BONUS ROUND!!!” After that, Newport is safely placed back in his storage box, out of which he will surely emerge again to crash the Conan studio at some point in the near future.