The next Miley Cyrus era is upon us, but which Miley will we get this time? After 2017’s country blip (which we fully support!), Miley says she’s going back to black and will incorporate more hip-hop in her new album (due this summer), among many, many, many other things because the new Miley is the old Miley is the new-old Miley, if you follow. “There’s psychedelic elements, there’s pop elements, there’s more hip-hop-leaning records,” she tells Vanity Fair in her new cover story. “You know, in the same way I like to kind of just be genderless, I like feeling genre-less.” Go on. “Just kind of a mosaic of all the things that I’ve been before.”
In her previous pop-star life, Miley briefly tried her hand at rap (or, er, something like it) until the trend wore off for her. In 2017 she said of that phase: “I can’t listen to that anymore. That’s what pushed me out of the hip-hop scene a little.” She added, “It was too much ‘Lamborghini, got my Rolex, got a girl on my cock’ — I am so not that.” Cyrus says now of the appropriation accusations:
I think we’re so influenced by the people that we’re around. And my community when I was working on Bangerz — Future actually wrote on “Love Money Party.” Those are the people in my life that I was really around and in the studio with. Future is fucking amazing and has a lot of wisdom, too. Just listening to him and Mike Will, who was going to call his first record Made It From the Basement — the way they grew up was obviously so different from the way I grew up.
Black History Month works hard, but the devil works harder!