When Nicolas Cage says a film is “the wildest movie I’ve ever made,” it’s time to time to buckle the fuck up. Cage is set to start shooting Prisoners of the Ghostland this spring, a film being touted as an “East meets West vortex of beauty and violence.” The Hollywood Reporter broke the news that Imogen Poots will be his co-star, but Cage himself broke the news that his costume will be “skintight black leather jumpsuit with grenades attached to different body parts.” Poots will play the governor’s daughter, and if Cage’s infamous criminal (named Hero) doesn’t rescue her from a borderland full of real ghosts, the grenades will blow him up. Amazing. Prisoners of the Ghostland will be the first English-language film by Suicide Club’s Sion Sono, who recently had a heart attack but is expected to make a full recovery.