As Bohemian Rhapsody continues to solidify its Oscar villain status, the film’s star, Rami Malek, is getting more candid about the firing of original director Bryan Singer — a firing we still have conflicting narratives about. But as Malek explained during a Friday evening panel at the Santa Barbara Film Festival, Singer’s behavior made his working experience more terrible than anticipated. “In my situation with Bryan, it was not pleasant, not at all. And that’s about what I can say about it at this point,” he said. “For anyone who is seeking any solace in all of this, Bryan Singer was fired. Bryan Singer was fired, I don’t think that was something anyone saw coming but I think that had to happen and it did.”
It was previously rumored that Malek, fed up with Singer’s frequent absences from set, complained to higher-ups about the director’s “unreliability and unprofessionalism,” with the duo’s animosity even resulting in a fight where equipment was thrown. Singer was ultimately fired in December 2017 and replaced with Dexter Fletcher to complete the film.
Singer has claimed the reason for his Bohemian Rhapsody absences was due to caring for a sick family member, but over the past year, many new sexual abuse allegations have been lodged against him. Despite the numerous allegations, Singer is still attached to direct the upcoming drama Red Sonja, and he celebrated Bohemian Rhapsody’s successful Oscars campaign.