President Trump’s so-called emergency declaration last week was far from a textbook definition of “emergency” in the eyes of some networks, but that still didn’t stop our obese POTUS from pontificating about his border wall dreams with the same gusto as Brick Tamland talking about lamps. (Or rather, a meme factory from the early aughts.) He loves wall! He demands wall! Can he just haz wall?! “We need wall, okay? We have a tremendous amount of drugs flowing into this country. From the southern border or the ‘brown line’ as many have asked me not to call it,” he explained on SNL. “That’s why we need wall. Wall works. Wall makes safe. So you all see why I gotta fake this national emergency, right? I have to because I want to.”
Update, 4:30 p.m.: As he’s done in the past, Trump expressed annoyance at his lingering SNL presence on social media. “Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution?” he wrote. “Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real collusion!” He added in another tweet: “THE RIGGED AND CORRUPT MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!”