As the man who created the Avengers once said: Hold onto your butts (because they’re about to get very numb). In news accidentally revealed by AMC and then confirmed by Fandango, next month’s Avengers: Endgame will arrive in theaters boasting a herculean 182-minute run time. That’s about a half-hour longer than the longest Marvel film to date, the 149-minute Infinity War, but more importantly, it puts the film alongside some of cinema’s most famous epics. If you’re curious, Avengers: Endgame is:
• One minute shorter than The Deer Hunter
• Three minutes longer than Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
• Four minutes longer than Dogville
• Three minutes shorter than Barry Lyndon
• Five minutes shorter than The Hateful Eight
• 16 minutes longer than Benjamin Button
• 12 minutes shorter than Titanic
• 19 minutes longer than American Honey.
In conclusion, by the iron laws of run time, Avengers: Endgame will also be exactly as good as all those films, too.