If you’re trying to recover from the terror of Us by combing through all the film’s Easter eggs and references to calm you down, put the scissors away and allow us to give you 40 more soothing seconds of trivia. That’s because director Jordan Peele, in a very Hitchcockian power move, revealed he gave himself a quick Us cameo that’s of the sight, sound, and mind. Per an interview with Fandango, Peele explained he eschewed appearing in Us in a physical capacity in favor of lending his voice to a dying rabbit, which occurs when the critter comes face-to-face with Lupita Nyong’o’s character in a scene we won’t spoil the details of. Well, there are a bunch of rabbits, but Peele only voiced one of them.
Similarly, in Get Out, he also voiced an injured deer — who’s struck on a country road by a car driven by Daniel Kaluuya’s character. Both cameos were made possible thanks to the comfort of a recording booth. Please, fast-forward the below video to around the three-minute mark, and enjoy Peele making spooky, screeching animal noises as further proof of his genius.