Fans of wholesome steam-engine content, rejoice! Hallmark has decided to renew When Calls the Heart for a seventh season, but without Lori Loughlin. Last week, Hallmark announced that it would be airing the rest of season six with Loughlin’s Mayor Stanton character edited out. No details were given as to how her absence would be explained. When Calls the Heart is Hallmark’s longest-running and most-watched series. Entertainment Weekly reported that its season-six premiere drew 3.6 million viewers, the highest-rated premiere in Hallmark history.
Loughlin was fired days after news of the college-admissions scandal broke, and for weeks the show’s fate hung in the balance. Now it’s just Loughlin left hanging, as she has yet to enter a plea. According to “Page Six,” she’s worried about how a guilty plea would affect her daughters. But worrying about her daughters is what got her into this mess, so go figure.