All Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang, hosts of the beloved podcast Las Culturistas and writers on The Other Two and Saturday Night Live, respectively, need are five words — I, don’t, think, so, and honey — and you get it. That’s what happened to me. Two years ago, unfamiliar with the podcast, I saw I Don’t Think So, Honey! listed on a local comedy venue’s lineup with 50 comedians attached. I went and was instantly taken. If you attend one of these shows — and I suggest you do (they’ll be at the Bell House in Brooklyn on April 20 and in Texas the whole week after) — you’ll see hilarious, impassioned, specific rants against culture, all coming from a deep, hilarious, impassioned, specific love of it. And you’ll feel a kinship with an audience completely onboard for all of it. An absolute sensation, it helped define and fortify the current Brooklyn comedy scene. On the way home from seeing the show, I reached out and asked if they’d want to do stuff for Vulture. And we are lucky they said yes.
So, where did I Don’t Think So, Honey come from? How do you do it correctly? What separates the just okay from the Icon Award winners? These questions and more are answered on this week’s special bonus episode of Good One, Vulture’s podcast about jokes and the people who tell them. Listen below or download the episode from Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.