
Patton Oswalt and Andy Richter Will Testify in the Conan O’Brien Joke-Theft Trial

Photo: Will Navarro/Bernstein Associate/Bernstein Associates via Getty I

In case you forgot, because honestly why would you even remember, Conan O’Brien is currently being sued for joke theft. Plaintiff Alex Kaseberg is suing O’Brien, Conaco, TBS, and Time Warner for allegedly stealing jokes from his blog and social media. The trial is set to start next month, and according to The Hollywood Reporter, it already has a great lineup. Er, I mean, witness list! Patton Oswalt is expected to testify, along with Andy Richter and Conan O’Brien himself. However, the judge has decided to bar two of Kaseberg’s expert witnesses: One was Dr. David Barsky, who was to present a statistical model; the other expert was to be none other than Elayne Boosler, whom the judge referred to as “an expert comedienne,” though in the end he decided her evidence was “neither necessary nor helpful.” But some good news: Most of the trial will be open to the public. So clear your calendars, folks!

Patton Oswalt, Andy Richter to Testify in the Conan Trial