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‘True Detective Pikachu’ Is Here to Haunt Your Dreams

We still have 19 grueling days to go until Detective Pikachu premieres to wake us from our collective national nightmare of living in a world without Detective Pikachu. If you’re like me (a person who has May 10 feverishly circled in red pen on a wall calendar that they bought for the sole purpose of feverishly circling May 10), then the trailers and targeted ads and official music video aren’t enough to hold you over anymore.

This sounds like a case for “True Detective Pikachu,†the brilliant parody mash-up video that nobody asked for, but for which we’re pretty grateful, by Sam Heft and Tommy Kang of Bad Duck Media. It would have been enough to coast on title concept alone, but Kang and team Exeggcute a note-perfect parody of True Detective, centered on a genius Matthew McConaughey impersonation and some deeply upsetting Pikachu makeup. The details are what make this short notable, with moments like the team of Officer Jennys and the introduction of Meowth as “the Yellow Cat†played completely straight. Also — and it’s wild to point this out for a web video — be sure to stick around for the post-credits scene.

‘True Detective Pikachu’ Is Here to Haunt Your Dreams