Out of all the secondary characters that Game of Thrones fans had a burning desire to see one more time during tonight’s series finale, the perpetually breastfeeding (until his mom was pushed out of the Moon Door, of course) Lord Robin Arryn, played by Lino Facioli, was not exactly high on the list. But sometimes we get things we don’t ask for, and tonight, what fans got was a surprising update on what happened to that once sickly, annoying boy after years of consistent breastmilk intake. Spoiler alert: He got hot.
During the Game of Thrones finale scene, when all the important people of Westeros convene at King’s Landing to name their new king (and Sam Tarly invents the concept of democracy), viewers on Twitter were quick to react to the return of Robin Arryn, who transformed from annoying mama’s boy to total Prince Charming:
Here’s a better look at Facioli without the Robin Arryn getup, in which it is conclusively confirmed that he has officially evolved from Twerpy Milk Boy to Hot Milk Boy. (Some fun facts: Facioli is a very talented artist, turns 19 this July, and currently has just a little over 7,000 followers on Instagram – but we suspect that might change over the next few days.)
Looks like Facioli has to update his Twitter bio immediately.
Between Robin Arryn and Tormund Giantsbane, it’s clear that Game of Thrones has taken a bold and unique stance during its final season: Breastmilk — whether it’s from giants or humans — makes you hot!