Game of Thrones may be coming to a close, but the Era of Prestige Dragons is only beginning. George R.R. Martin says three “successor shows” (he doesn’t like the term spinoff) are currently in development at HBO. “The one I am not supposed to call ‘The Long Night’ will be shooting later this year, and two other shows remain in the script stage, but are edging closer,” he told Deadline. “What are they about? I cannot say. But maybe some of you should pick up a copy of Fire & Blood and come up with your own theories.” Fire & Blood is the GOT prequel set 300 years before the particular throne game with which we are all familiar. It tracks House Targaryen — from Aegon the Conqueror doing all the conquering that gave him his name, to his making the Iron Throne, to the civil war that almost wrecked their whole house. One thing is for certain: It will be exciting to see so many blonde wigs in one place.