NBC’s decision to cancel A.P. Bio after two seasons turned out to be anything but a quiet ending for the comedy. Patton Oswalt, who plays the show’s Principal Durbin, has launched a Twitter campaign with co-stars Glenn Howerton and Mary Sohn to encourage audiences to spike the series’s streaming numbers. “I mean, there’s no better way to spend Memorial Day than binge-ing @NBCAPBio on @hulu,” Oswalt tweeted. “Who KNOWS what might happen if those numbers spiked? Whoooooo knows? #SaveAPBio #BingeBioOnHulu.” On Saturday morning the campaign successfully got #SaveAPBio trending on the social network, though whether the effort will pay off remains to be seen.
Show creator Mike O’Brien contends that the show has apparently been performing better on Hulu than live TV, a metric not accounted for in the traditional ratings system. “Sorry our fans don’t watch it live! Doesn’t mean we don’t have fans,” he tweeted. It’s not unheard of for a beloved comedy to be rescued from cancellation by a streaming service, or even another network, so if you want more A.P. Bio in your life, get to your sofa, now.