ABC’s Speechless has come to the end of the road. A source has confirmed that the network has decided to cancel the single-camera sitcom, which wrapped up its third season last month. Speechless isn’t the only television series to get the ax on Friday, which has turned out to be quite the bloodbath for network comedies and dramas. At ABC, For the People, The Fix, The Kids Are Alright, and Splitting Up Together were all canned; at Fox, The Passage and The Cool Kids were canceled; and NBC canceled I Feel Bad, though it also handed out a series order to a new show starring SNL’s Kenan Thompson.
There might be a ray of hope for Speechless fans, though. On Twitter, executive producer Daniel Chun responded to a tweet about the possibility of the show making another season if they wanted to with “We did. We do.” So perhaps Speechless will return for more episodes, if there’s a network that will have it.