Renata (Laura Dern) is mad as hell about people talking about climate change and she’s not going to take it anymore. Well, technically, she does realize climate change is a legit thing and seems pretty bummed by it, but do you know where she doesn’t want such a depressing topic brought up? In a second-grade classroom, a.k.a. in the vicinity of her darling daughter Amabella. Her little brain can’t handle it! She’ll run straight to a closet! “What possesses idiots like yourself to teach 8-year-olds that the planet is doomed,” she yells at the school’s principal and teacher. “Good for you, you deconstructed my daughter into a coma. I will be rich again. I will rise up! I will buy a fucking polar bear for every kid in this school. And then, I’ll squish you like the bug that you are.” You know what? We totally believe it. We’ll take a fluffy polar bear straight from the Arctic Circle, please.