Last night’s Late Night with Seth Meyers saw the return of writers Amber Ruffin and Jenny Hagel in a new installment of “Jokes Seth Can’t Tell,” and as always, the segment was jam-packed with punchlines that are just too hot for Meyers to touch. Topics like the difference between lesbian brides and straight brides (“A lesbian bride is like a straight bride, except she’s experienced orgasm”), the Law & Order spin-off focusing on hate crimes (“It’s just body-cam footage. Just kidding! They turn the body cams off for that stuff”), and NBC’s plans to bring back its genealogy series, Who Do You Think You Are (“But this time they’re calling it Surprise! You’re Related to Slave Owners”). As usual, Ruffin and Hagel pressure Meyers into delivering a punchline too, and as usual … well, if you’ve seen “Jokes Seth Can’t Tell” before, you know what happens next already.